BC Racebook Newsletter - August 9, 2022
By Greg Douglas – Dr. Sport
As has been the custom over the years, the BC Division of the Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society (CTHS-BC) shares centre stage on the local horse racing scene in late August and early September for two very solid reasons.
It begins with the four traditional CTHS-BC Stakes at Hastings Racecourse – this year on Monday, August 22 - followed by the annual CTHS-BC Yearly & Mixed Sale at Thunderbird Show Park in Langley on September 8.
“The importance of the role that breeders and owners throughout British Columbia play in the future of racing has never been more evident,” CTHS-BC interim president Dairen Edwards related in his address to the industry at the beginning of the 2022 thoroughbred season.
Last year with a drastically reduced schedule due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all stake races at Hastings were cancelled with the exception of the CTHS-BC Sales Stakes. And remarkably enough, the 2021 Yearling & Mixed Sale resulted in total sales increasing from the three previous years.
There were 74 yearling sales recorded last year at an average of $15,959 for a gross of $1,181,000, the highest numbers dating back to 2017.
The four CTHS-BC Sales stakes races on this year’s Hastings schedule headline a Monday afternoon matinee card (2 p.m.) on August 22 as part of the annual adjustment in racing dates due to the annual PNE Fair that goes from August 20 thru September 5.
Racing fans should note that the PNE Fair goes ‘dark’ Mondays. Race dates during the adjustment period are Monday, August 22, Tuesday, August 23, Monday, August 29 and Tuesday, August 30 … all 2 p.m. starts.
Without question, one of the calming scenes at a race track – any race track – is that spontaneous moment when an outrider takes the time to allow the public to get up-close-and-personal with his/her mount between races. Often outriders use their own mounts to allow them to be comfortable with hands-on contact with fans, inevitably young and tiny enough that they are boosted up to the railing by parents anxious to provide that once-in-a-lifetime thrill.
Thanks to the uncanny talents of BC Racebook chief photographer Michael Bye, we offer two examples of Hastings’ outriders and former jockeys Tammy Snow and Angie Smith sharing that very moment.
Come join us to celebrate Fraser Downs’ Fall Season Opening Day!
A Moment to Cherish: Rob & Julie celebrate Learie Seecheran’s Win Aboard Omega Victory
Bailey on the backstretch
By Bailey Williams
There are not many job sites you can walk onto these days and find a more diverse group of people than the backstretch of any racetrack.
It is home to people of all walks of life, some with degrees or doctorates and others using their love of horses as healing from the past.
February 2015 sparked a beautiful love story of a couple that needed each other as they shared their passion for racing. At the time of their introduction, Rob Thacker needed a little spark in his life and luckily for him, the late Julie Wicks with her radiant personality was just the guidance he was seeking.
Shortly after they met, Rob and Julie started their own training stable and boarding facility. Together they became a very successful team … both on and off the track.
Always known for having a good eye for claiming the right horse, Rob would suggest a prospect and together they would work countless hours getting their new purchase right and ready for the races.
Since Julie’s passing this past June following a courageous battle with cancer, Rob has carried on in the racing industry knowing what she would want for him. Fellow trainer and good friend Demetris Topouzis now does the training for Rob’s horses.
Recently claimed Airaffair is a perfect two-for-two since moving barns. Rob continues his mission of always putting the horse first as “his Jules” taught him and will forever believe she is watching from above.
August 1, on BC Cup day - Chris Loseth (front, holding trophy) presents the BC Cup Sir Winston Churchill Derby Trial prize to connections of SOARINGFORTHESUN. The handle was $1,156,882 in total which is more than The Cup day.
The Honourable Wally Oppal shares BC Cup Classic victory with Tod Mountain’s Gary Nofield & winning jockey Amadeo Perez