Jockey Amadeo Perez at Hastings Racecourse became the top leading jockey with 52 wins. He has won 52 firsts, 22 seconds and 19 thirds this season, 2023.

By Greg Douglas – Dr. Sport


Amadeo Perez wasn’t aware that when he won two races this past Sunday at Hastings Racecourse he officially became Canada’s leading jockey. 

Entering the day, Woodbine’s top rider Kazushi Kimura and Perez were tied with 50 wins at their respective tracks … the best in the country.  Today the leaderboard reads:  Perez, 52; Kimura 50.

What must be noted is the fact Woodbine’s thoroughbred racing dates total 133 from April thru early December while the Hastings meet consists of just 45 race days.

To put that into perspective, when Perez won for a 51st and 52nd time Sunday it was after 130 starts at the halfway mark of the Hastings schedule.  Kimura, currently recovering from a concussion following a July 8 spill, hit 50 wins at Woodbine after 218 starts.

“I didn’t know about being the leading rider in all of Canada,” said Perez, the top jockey five times at Hastings dating back to 2012. “My focus is always on winning and to keep working hard. It’s always a challenge.”

Matthew Ruhlman